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Empowering design and marketing teams to own their website

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When gearing up for a rebrand, the Attentive brand team had modest plans to touch up their existing website. That was because, in the past, redesigns of their WordPress site was a massive, agency-driven project. (File under: too much of a lift.)

However, as they began to play around with Webflow, they saw a new path forward. One that would enable them to own and operate their website without an external agency or internal developers.

Join us for a chat with Attentive’s Director of Brand Design and SVP of Marketing. We’ll discuss how switching from WordPress to Webflow enabled them to:

  • Redesign and rebuild faster. Without relying on an external agency or internal developers, the brand and marketing team moved faster and more autonomously.
  • Pursue more ambitious designs. With autonomy and Webflow interactions and animations, the brand team pushed the creative boundaries of what they originally planned for the site.
  • Improve site accessibility. Webflow’s built-in accessibility tools enabled the team to ensure their site met AA accessibility standards across the board — a core goal from the start.

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 speakers from 
Brooke Burdge

Brooke Burdge

Founding team member @ Attentive; I build brands centered around transformational shifts in consumer behavior.

Max Valiquette

Max Valiquette

Design leader and brand builder; Launched Attentive's first major rebrand in 2021. Also, led the refresh of Shazam's brand identity in 2018.

Barrett Johnson

Barrett Johnson

 · Host

Product & marketing @ Webflow. Design, history, and tennis enthusiast.

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