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March 23, 2023 10:00am PT / 1:00pm ET

The modern web team

Breaking down silos across engineering, marketing, and design

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In the world of web development, collaboration is essential. Developers, designers, and marketers all have critical roles to play. But with traditional, engineering-dependent methods of building for the web, organizations are held back by miscommunication and bottlenecks. 

Today more than ever, modern enterprises can’t afford inefficiencies. Visual development broadens the scope of what marketers and designers are able to build — liberating engineers and transforming what modern web teams look like.  

In this webinar, with Webflow and Dropbox learn how to:

  • Reduce engineering costs and free up their time for higher impact, strategic work 
  • Empower marketing and design teams to reduce (or eliminate) the number of review cycles between design and development 
  • Help businesses accelerate speed-to-market and improve website KPIs


 speakers from 
Justin Johnson

Justin Johnson

Web dev @ Dropbox. Theater and dance fan.

Corey Shrecengost

Corey Shrecengost

Content Producer @ Dropbox. Problem Solver. Creative.

Joe Gelman

Joe Gelman

 · Host

Product marketing @ Webflow. Keyboard rockstar.

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