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June 24, 2021 1:00 pm PT / 4:00pm ET

WordPress to Webflow

An agency's migration process

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Curious what a migration from WordPress to Webflow looks like behind the scenes? We’re here to help.

Join us for a conversation with Alex Murton, Managing Director of Webflow’s agency partner Studio Almond, for a closer look at everything that goes into a migration from WordPress to Webflow.

Join us to hear from Studio Almond on:

  • Timelines. Learn how long (or short!) these migrations can take and what phases of work are required.
  • Costs. Get a clearer picture of how costs for a migration can range, and what factors impact overall price.
  • Best practices. Hear tips and tricks about how to set your migrations up for success.

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 speakers from 
Studio Almond
Alex Murton

Alex Murton

Fullstack designer and developer @ Studio Almond. Alex is passionate about creating smart and dynamic online experiences.

Barrett Johnson

Barrett Johnson

 · Host

Product & marketing @ Webflow. Design, history, and tennis enthusiast.

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