David Afolayan

David Afolayan

6 followers9 following
Joined Mar 14, 2017
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I like to describe myself as that guy crafting delightful web experiences that make your people enjoy doing business with you. I've had the privilege of collaborating with renowned agencies and studios like Shadow Digital, Snowhouse, Gravita, PasciVite, and Lore. I'd love to bring that same energy to your project — let’s get started!


I like to describe myself as that guy crafting delightful web experiences that make your people enjoy doing business with you. I've had the privilege of collaborating with renowned agencies and studios like Shadow Digital, Snowhouse, Gravita, PasciVite, and Lore. I'd love to bring that same energy to your project — let’s get started!


I like to describe myself as that guy crafting delightful web experiences that make your people enjoy doing business with you. I've had the privilege of collaborating with renowned agencies and studios like Shadow Digital, Snowhouse, Gravita, PasciVite, and Lore. I'd love to bring that same energy to your project — let’s get started!