WebDev For You - Daily Interaction #103

Welcome to daily interaction #103!
This demo showcases a card with a call-to-action (CTA) button that appears at an angle when the user hovers. This can be a great way to let users know that when they click they will be taken to another page.
To create this animation I first created a card wrapper with the elements in it. I set the card wrapper to a position of relative. I then placed a div block inside of the card wrapper and set the position to absolute and 50% width and 120% height so that I could angle it in and not lose height at the top. I then moved this div block 100% to the right from the card. With interactions I rotated this div block -10 degrees. I also placed an arrow in the slanted div block and rotated the arrow 10 degrees to offset the -10 angle. The border also changes color on hover.
Happy Webflowing!
Inspired by: https://codepen.io/andrewsims/pen/mQoYwz
If you'd like more information on how this interaction was accomplished be sure to join the Slack Community!