Bancontact for Webflow

Targeting the Belgian market? Exciting news coming your way! We've set up a cloneable Webflow project to effortlessly integrate Bancontact, Belgium's top payment method, via Stripe and Memberstack.
Want to give it a spin? Click on "Sign Up & Checkout", set up a demo account, and select Bancontact as your preferred payment option. After completion, you'll land back in your Webflow environment.
To get started:
1. Access your Memberstack dashboard.
2 Hop into Stripe (or sign up if you're fresh on board).
3. Simply enable Bancontact from the payment methods.
Considering the widespread use of Bancontact in Belgium, integrating it could provide a nice boost for your client projects aimed at this region.
Questions about this Bancontact integration in Webflow? We've got answers! Hit up Memberstack support or join the chatter at
Cheers to more seamless payments,
The Memberstack Team π»