Petar Avramović

Petar Avramović

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Joined Jan 12, 2023
Uzice, Serbia
English, Russian, Serbian
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Only good design is the one that awakes emotion in the customer, and only good designer is the one that can recognize them in the product in the first place. Aesthetics was always something that made sense to me.
And quality was something that was important to me through my whole career. With sinergy of two, we get actual, meaningfull products. Not just empty good looking thing or well made, but ugly fella.


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Only good design is the one that awakes emotion in the customer, and only good designer is the one that can recognize them in the product in the first place. Aesthetics was always something that made sense to me.
And quality was something that was important to me through my whole career. With sinergy of two, we get actual, meaningfull products. Not just empty good looking thing or well made, but ugly fella.


Only good design is the one that awakes emotion in the customer, and only good designer is the one that can recognize them in the product in the first place. Aesthetics was always something that made sense to me.
And quality was something that was important to me through my whole career. With sinergy of two, we get actual, meaningfull products. Not just empty good looking thing or well made, but ugly fella.