Pratheep Kumar Chelladurai

Pratheep Kumar Chelladurai

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Joined Sep 8, 2021
Rochester, United States
English, Tamil
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Hello, I am Pratheep Kumar, an Experience Designer + Prototyper with Human-Computer Interaction Research Background, based out of New York. I specializes in system thinking and brining holistic approach of prototyping as a tool for validating hypothesize and getting actionable insights.


Hello, I am Pratheep Kumar, an Experience Designer + Prototyper with Human-Computer Interaction Research Background, based out of New York. I specializes in system thinking and brining holistic approach of prototyping as a tool for validating hypothesize and getting actionable insights.


Hello, I am Pratheep Kumar, an Experience Designer + Prototyper with Human-Computer Interaction Research Background, based out of New York. I specializes in system thinking and brining holistic approach of prototyping as a tool for validating hypothesize and getting actionable insights.