Trevor Headings

Trevor Headings

Web Developer & Designer
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Joined Nov 20, 2019
Columbus, OH, United States
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Hello, I specialize in crafting websites that help tell a brand's unique story. I believe in doing everything with excellence and a dedication to integrity. I build everything from simple landing pages for small businesses to larger, more complex projects with a lot of database configuration third-party integrations. Weapons of the trade include: Webflow, Finsweet's Client-First and Attributes, Relume Library, Figma, Notion, and More.


Hello, I specialize in crafting websites that help tell a brand's unique story. I believe in doing everything with excellence and a dedication to integrity. I build everything from simple landing pages for small businesses to larger, more complex projects with a lot of database configuration third-party integrations. Weapons of the trade include: Webflow, Finsweet's Client-First and Attributes, Relume Library, Figma, Notion, and More.


Hello, I specialize in crafting websites that help tell a brand's unique story. I believe in doing everything with excellence and a dedication to integrity. I build everything from simple landing pages for small businesses to larger, more complex projects with a lot of database configuration third-party integrations. Weapons of the trade include: Webflow, Finsweet's Client-First and Attributes, Relume Library, Figma, Notion, and More.