Asset Bae

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Web Bae
asset bae logo chili pepper on blue purple gradient background with ai sparkles

Asset Bae speeds up your workflow for updating filenames and alt text for image assets.

  • Edit alt text and display name from a single window.
    Edit alt text and display name from a single window.
  • Process updates to metadata in batch.
    Process updates to metadata in batch.
  • Write faster with help from A.I.
    Write faster with help from A.I.
  • Get started free, with additional benefits for Patreon members.
    Get started free, with additional benefits for Patreon members.
Enhanced security
This App supports enhanced security and management features.
Approved by Webflow
Webflow has reviewed this app to ensure high quality site development. We do not endorse or certify these apps.
Free plan available
Last updatedJul 22, 2024
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