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Simplify Webflow workflows: bulk rename classes, manage HTML attributes,and use templates seamlessly

  • Bulk Rename Webflow Classes: Organize and streamline your Webflow projects by renaming multiple classes at once.
    Bulk Rename Webflow Classes: Organize and streamline your Webflow projects by renaming multiple classes at once.
  • Template-Based Attribute Management: Apply pre-defined attribute templates to elements for consistent workflows.
    Template-Based Attribute Management: Apply pre-defined attribute templates to elements for consistent workflows.
  • Multi-Element Selection: Select multiple elements using Ctrl+Click for efficient batch operations.
    Multi-Element Selection: Select multiple elements using Ctrl+Click for efficient batch operations.
  • Real-Time Changes in Webflow Designer: Instantly preview updates as you manage classes and attributes.
    Real-Time Changes in Webflow Designer: Instantly preview updates as you manage classes and attributes.
  • Batch Attribute Editing: Add, edit, or remove attributes across multiple elements with ease.
    Batch Attribute Editing: Add, edit, or remove attributes across multiple elements with ease.
Enhanced security
This App supports enhanced security and management features.
Approved by Webflow
Webflow has reviewed this app to ensure high quality site development. We do not endorse or certify these apps.