Fluid Builder

The Fluid Builder generates fluid clamp values for Webflow Variables.

The Fluid Builder generates fluid clamp values for Webflow Variables.
The Fluid Builder generates fluid clamp values for Webflow Variables and adds the values as custom code to your project. Easily edit existing clamp values or add new ones using the app.
The Fluid Builder generates fluid clamp values for Webflow Variables and adds the values as custom code to your project. Easily edit existing clamp values or add new ones using the app.
- Generate CSS clamp valuesGenerate CSS clamp values
- Easily apply to any size variable in the variable panelEasily apply to any size variable in the variable panel
- Accessibility checks for each clampAccessibility checks for each clamp
Approved by Webflow
Webflow has reviewed this app to ensure high quality site development. We do not endorse or certify these apps.LanguagesEnglish