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The Postblaster logo, a purple monster in a mail-persons outfit

Automatically summarize and share your Webflow CMS content to your socials.

The Postblaster logo, a purple monster in a mail-persons outfit

Automatically summarize and share your Webflow CMS content to your socials.

Deploy pipelines that automatically write social posts and publish your CMS articles to your social feeds.

Postblaster enables deploying pipelines that automatically share your Webflow CMS content to your social feeds (starting with LinkedIn). It can write the social posts for you based off of your content, or create the posts using a CMS field of your choosing. It will even add #hashtags. As soon as you post to your Webflow CMS, it gets blasted everywhere that you want it to.

Simply connect the social media platform of your choosing, select which CMS field is the main content of your article, configure how to generate the post (using AI or CMS field values), and you are up and running. It takes about one minute to deploy a publisher, and begins saving you time right away.

Deploy pipelines that automatically write social posts and publish your CMS articles to your social feeds.

Postblaster enables deploying pipelines that automatically share your Webflow CMS content to your social feeds (starting with LinkedIn). It can write the social posts for you based off of your content, or create the posts using a CMS field of your choosing. It will even add #hashtags. As soon as you post to your Webflow CMS, it gets blasted everywhere that you want it to.

Simply connect the social media platform of your choosing, select which CMS field is the main content of your article, configure how to generate the post (using AI or CMS field values), and you are up and running. It takes about one minute to deploy a publisher, and begins saving you time right away.

  • Deploy pipelines that automatically blast your Webflow content to your social feeds.
    Deploy pipelines that automatically blast your Webflow content to your social feeds.
  • Generate your social posts based with AI, or choose Webflow CMS fields to populate to your posts with your pre-written content.
    Generate your social posts based with AI, or choose Webflow CMS fields to populate to your posts with your pre-written content.
  • Monitor clickthroughs on your posts to see which are driving the most traffic to your site.
    Monitor clickthroughs on your posts to see which are driving the most traffic to your site.
  • Use the Postblaster app straight from your Webflow canvas. Say goodbye to context switching.
    Use the Postblaster app straight from your Webflow canvas. Say goodbye to context switching.
  • Customize how frequently you'd like to share content, where to share content, and how your social posts get written.
    Customize how frequently you'd like to share content, where to share content, and how your social posts get written.
Enhanced security
This App supports enhanced security and management features.
Approved by Webflow
Webflow has reviewed this app to ensure high quality site development. We do not endorse or certify these apps.
Free plan available
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