Udesly Icon Packs

10K+ SVG icons fully customizable in Webflow.

Udesly Icon Packs

10K+ SVG icons fully customizable in Webflow.

Using the Udesly Icon Packs App, designers can easily search and add icons in Webflow, creating a more efficient design workflow.
Using the Udesly Icon Packs App, designers can easily search and add icons in Webflow, creating a more efficient design workflow.
  • 10k+ SVG icons
    10k+ SVG icons
  • 8 icon library packs
    8 icon library packs
  • Fully customizable in Webflow
    Fully customizable in Webflow
Approved by Webflow
Webflow has reviewed this app to ensure high quality site development. We do not endorse or certify these apps.