The logo of vidzflow app, featuring a stylized white play button enclosed within a circular outline. The play button points to the right and is designed to resemble the letter 'V', set against a gradient blue background.

Video hosting for Webflow. Host raw video files or embed customizable video players in your project.

  • Upload mp4, mov, avi, mkv, mpg or webm files
    Upload mp4, mov, avi, mkv, mpg or webm files
  • Upload from Vimeo or Youtube
    Upload from Vimeo or Youtube
  • Fully customizable video player
    Fully customizable video player
  • Optimized performance
    Optimized performance
  • SEO-friendly
Enhanced security
This App supports enhanced security and management features.
Approved by Webflow
Webflow has reviewed this app to ensure high quality site development. We do not endorse or certify these apps.
Free plan available