Ergasia - Free Portfolio Template 1.0

Get your creative work online in minutes with this Free Webflow Template. Built for designers, developers, photographers or any creative person.
I know how hard it is to work on personal projects, it looks like it is never good enough, you always need just that one tweak , just that one feature & months pass by without you publishing anything on the web.
That's why I've decided to publish my first portfolio as this Free Webflow Template. It is bare-bone, but It got me to where I'm today, with more client's that I can handle & stress free life. I think it is the perfect starting point and that after you have a lot more experience and more clients you can move on to bigger and better portfolio's.
As this was my old portfolio built many years ago, it still has interactions 1.0, but if enough people are interested in it I will be updating it to IX 2.0 & update the classes on the backend to be more clean.
Let me know what you think!