QR Code X - Restaurant Webflow Template | BRIX Templates

Looking to create an online menu for your restaurant? Presenting QR Code X, our top notch online restaurant menu Webflow Template designed for the modern age of COVID-19. Offer your customers a great ordering experience with our template.
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Interested QR Code X - Mobile Restaurant Webflow Template?
• Check out a live preview here: https://qrcodetemplates.webflow.io/
• Purchase it now for $79 on the Webflow Marketplace: https://webflow.com/templates/html/qr-code-x-restaurant-website-template
Looking for an amazing Webflow Template for Restaurant Menu, Modern Restaurant, Elegant Restaurant, Food Delivery, Luxury Restaurant, Restaurants, Chef, Food And Drink, Bar.
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• BRIX Templates - Looking for another template? Take a look at our collection of premium Webflow Templates on https://brixtemplates.com/
• BRIX Agency - Looking for a hand to design & develop an amazing Webflow website? Get in touch with our amazing team on https://brixagency.com/