Six Challengers will compete in virtual, regional Speed Builds live on YouTube. There will be three rounds: APAC on July 24, EMEA on July 26, and Americas on July 27.
After Regionals, the community will vote for a Community Challenger to advance to the Semifinals and select another runner-up as a backup Challenger.
Four Finalists will compete live on stage in San Francisco on October 5.
Second and third place winners will take home some incredible prizes — and one winner will take home prizes plus the title of Speed Build Challenge 2023 Champion.
Designer at the intersection of function and aesthetics, who is excited about accessibility, Webflow, design thinking, visual design.
Lead Webflow Developer at Nicer Studio from the deep heart of the Amazon rainforest area in Colombia. Proud father of Jeronimo.
A determined Web Experience Designer and founder of the innovative design studio Balky, with an academic background marked by resilience and adaptability.
A Digital Designer at Kvalifik, a digital agency in Copenhagen. Riziki has worked with Webflow for around 3 years.
Using web design, Webflow, and javascript, Shreyas helps startups and entrepreneurs develop web solutions that meet their needs.
Stefan develops scalable websites with speed, accessibility and easy-to-use content management systems in mind.
Put your Webflow skills to the test — apply to compete in the Speed Build Challenge today.