Databest Landing Page

About the company: Databest offers brand analytics services and develops custom solutions according to the company specifics.
The task was to reflect that studying marketing indicators is equal to moving forward and being dynamic in your field.
We made each block of the landing page dynamic. Much attention was paid to the team block to draw the user's attention to the experts. We applied horizontal scrolling and photo zoom while hovering.
The cases' location is in a staggered order to separate them visually.
There is a trend effect in the cases block - color of the text changes, and the corresponding preview appears when you hover over the name of the client's company.
Another interesting technique is used to animate buttons - the appearance of text and its movement inside the button when hovering.
The other interactions are cyclic slider, parallax, and centrifugal text movement.
A dynamic and informative landing page encourages potential customers.