

Founder at Auriela, LLC
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Joined Feb 21, 2024
Mount Carmel, United States
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Hello, I’m Irving, a Mount Carmel based media entrepreneur and creative. Auriela was originally founded as a way to avoid the "starving artist" trope as my friends and I climbed our way through the film scene. You see, I have strange background: I'm a tech nerd with a B.S. in Computer Engineering, I am an award-winning filmmaker, and I love business/ entrepreneurship. Auriela was my way to monetize this unique set of skills to make a living while pursuing the hope of making big feature films-- my passion truly is found in visual storytelling. Today, Auriela continues to be the outward sign of my inward drive to create and innovate. My hope for Auriela is to foster a local culture in the arts (especially photography and film) by drawing upon the history this region has with stage performance, TV broadcasting, photography, and technology. There is so much hope here and I want to allow Auriela to grow into a force for beauty, commerce, and story from the fertile roots found here in the Coal Region. To all those who support this family business: thank you and God bless you!


small business


Hello, I’m Irving, a Mount Carmel based media entrepreneur and creative. Auriela was originally founded as a way to avoid the "starving artist" trope as my friends and I climbed our way through the film scene. You see, I have strange background: I'm a tech nerd with a B.S. in Computer Engineering, I am an award-winning filmmaker, and I love business/ entrepreneurship. Auriela was my way to monetize this unique set of skills to make a living while pursuing the hope of making big feature films-- my passion truly is found in visual storytelling. Today, Auriela continues to be the outward sign of my inward drive to create and innovate. My hope for Auriela is to foster a local culture in the arts (especially photography and film) by drawing upon the history this region has with stage performance, TV broadcasting, photography, and technology. There is so much hope here and I want to allow Auriela to grow into a force for beauty, commerce, and story from the fertile roots found here in the Coal Region. To all those who support this family business: thank you and God bless you!


Hello, I’m Irving, a Mount Carmel based media entrepreneur and creative. Auriela was originally founded as a way to avoid the "starving artist" trope as my friends and I climbed our way through the film scene. You see, I have strange background: I'm a tech nerd with a B.S. in Computer Engineering, I am an award-winning filmmaker, and I love business/ entrepreneurship. Auriela was my way to monetize this unique set of skills to make a living while pursuing the hope of making big feature films-- my passion truly is found in visual storytelling. Today, Auriela continues to be the outward sign of my inward drive to create and innovate. My hope for Auriela is to foster a local culture in the arts (especially photography and film) by drawing upon the history this region has with stage performance, TV broadcasting, photography, and technology. There is so much hope here and I want to allow Auriela to grow into a force for beauty, commerce, and story from the fertile roots found here in the Coal Region. To all those who support this family business: thank you and God bless you!