sascha gerteis

sascha gerteis

Designer and Developer
0 followers0 following
Joined Feb 28, 2024
banchnag, Thailand
English, Thai, German
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Hello my name is Sascha Gerteis I'm a website designer/developer i have 6+ years worth of experience in my field and created websites for any niche for people with a low or high budget I am able to make your designs come to life or create your vision into a design


Hello my name is Sascha Gerteis I'm a website designer/developer i have 6+ years worth of experience in my field and created websites for any niche for people with a low or high budget I am able to make your designs come to life or create your vision into a design


Hello my name is Sascha Gerteis I'm a website designer/developer i have 6+ years worth of experience in my field and created websites for any niche for people with a low or high budget I am able to make your designs come to life or create your vision into a design