Smartarget Whatsup Chat

Whatsapp Chat - Contact Us

Allow customers to contact you using WhatsApp

Whatsapp Chat - Contact Us

Allow customers to contact you using WhatsApp

Boost sales by adding Smartarget’s WhatsApp Chat button to your website, offering visitors an easy, customizable way to contact you

Let's make it easier for your customers to contact you with WhatsApp Contact Us! Most of your prospective customers are already using WhatsApp. It's time to give them the option to contact you in a way that feels familiar, trustworthy, and fun.

When someone has a question about your course business, chances are they’re just going to leave your site altogether rather than searching for a support email. With so many options out there, people are too busy to spend time looking for answers. But when you give them the option to easily contact you via WhatsApp right from your website, this feels like a quicker, more familiar way to get in touch. You can get back to them just a few hours later and they will get your reply directly to their mobile device. No more replies getting lost in an inbox with (probably) hundreds of emails!

Choose if you want to have just one person that can be contacted or multiple team members—it’s possible to add every one of your teammates. In addition, you can select different types of designs for the contact button itself.

🌍 This app supports multiple languages, allowing you to display different WhatsApp settings for each website language category.

📣 Show a prompt with information before the WhatsApp chat starts

Boost sales by adding Smartarget’s WhatsApp Chat button to your website, offering visitors an easy, customizable way to contact you

Let's make it easier for your customers to contact you with WhatsApp Contact Us! Most of your prospective customers are already using WhatsApp. It's time to give them the option to contact you in a way that feels familiar, trustworthy, and fun.

When someone has a question about your course business, chances are they’re just going to leave your site altogether rather than searching for a support email. With so many options out there, people are too busy to spend time looking for answers. But when you give them the option to easily contact you via WhatsApp right from your website, this feels like a quicker, more familiar way to get in touch. You can get back to them just a few hours later and they will get your reply directly to their mobile device. No more replies getting lost in an inbox with (probably) hundreds of emails!

Choose if you want to have just one person that can be contacted or multiple team members—it’s possible to add every one of your teammates. In addition, you can select different types of designs for the contact button itself.

🌍 This app supports multiple languages, allowing you to display different WhatsApp settings for each website language category.

📣 Show a prompt with information before the WhatsApp chat starts

  • Get back to your customers through WhatsApp
    Get back to your customers through WhatsApp
  • Customize Whatsapp - Contact Us style to fit your website
    Customize Whatsapp - Contact Us style to fit your website
  • Send Promotions and updates through WhatsApp
    Send Promotions and updates through WhatsApp
  • Trusted Platform - Customers trust Whatsapp as a communication tool
    Trusted Platform - Customers trust Whatsapp as a communication tool
Enhanced security
This App supports enhanced security and management features.
Approved by Webflow
Webflow has reviewed this app to ensure high quality site development. We do not endorse or certify these apps.
Free plan available