Catarse (www.catarse.me) is the biggest crowdfunding community in Brazil. We have helped so far more than 1.600 projects through R$27.000.000 backed by more than 190.000 people.
This on-going project is part of a bigger redesign movement that has as main goal the creation of a Design Guide, based on front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation (and also in references such as Medium CSS and Mailchimp CSS). The amazing thing about this project is that now our platform is using the CSS generated by Webflow!
Our code is open-source (https://github.com/catarse/catarse) since we launched the platform, in 2011. Our goal with opening the source code is to stimulate the creation of a community of developers around a high-quality crowdfunding platform.
So feel free to use our Front-end framework. ;)
If you wanna see how the redesign is coming to the real thing, just access beta.catarse.me