Free Template for Churches

A labor of love finally completed! I've created a free website template for churches. It's my hope that this will help churches modernize their online experience and come back stronger than ever from COVID-19. This template features dynamic content for Sermons, Events, Staff, and Connect Groups and is ideal for single location churches.
Watch the tutorial at
• Create landing pages in less than 3 minutes for anything
• Old events automatically removed the day after
• Homepage events section disappears when no events are present
• Add a new sermon, event, or connect group site-wide in seconds
• Reuse any page section across multiple pages (update once for all pages)
• Looks exactly the same on 5k screens as it does on Macbook Airs
• Thoroughly planned user experience and interactions
• Dummy proof to manage (from the Webflow Front-End Editor)
• Optimal site speed
• Homepage ministries section disappears when no content is set