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Hi Webflow community ! 👋 Here is a new free to clone made by Digidop - The French Webflow Agency - We built a Webflow Instagram feed using Webflow CMS and Integromat to automate feed. This instagram slider is 100% native webflow to comply with best-practices Google Core Vitals (#1). ✅ Free to Clone ✅ Client-first naming convention ✅ 100% automat with Integromat & Webflow CMS ✅ Google Core Vitals Friendly Need some help to implement ? 📖 🍿 (Fr) Nous avons construit un flux Instagram pour Webflow en utilisant Webflow CMS et Integromat pour automatiser la récupération de data. Cette “intégration” instagram est 100% webflow natif pour se conformer aux meilleures pratiques Google Core Vitals. ✅ Gratuit ✅ Client-first classes CSS ✅ 100% automatisé Integromat & CMS 📖 🍿