Component → Native Photomasking

1. Create a SECTION called foreground, change display to FLEX, center align it, and set its position to ABSOLUTE with a height of 100VH. Give it a COVER → FIXED background. Upload a blurred version of your photo.
2. Drop a DIV called MASK into the SECTION and customize it however you like. Set its position to ABSOLUTE with a Z INDEX of 1. For the zoom effect, simply add a CLICK interaction on the MASK.
3. Drop another DIV within MASK called PHOTO, set its width 100VW and height 100VH. Change its position to ABSOLUTE, give it a COVER → FIXED background, and upload the original image.
4. Add a PAGE TRIGGER interaction, select MOUSE MOVE IN VIEWPORT, and create an animation. Add MOVE interactions in the MOUSE X and Y panels.
MASK - Set X’s position to -50VW at 0% and 50VW at 100%. Set Y’s position to -50VH at 0% and 50VH at 100%.
PHOTO - Set X’s position to 50VW at 0% and -50VW at 100%. Set Y’s position to 50VH at 0% and -50VH at 100%.
That's all folks :)