
A Neurodiversity consultant and research manager with a passion about translating complex mental health and neuroscience research goes freelance.
It started as a single page site displaying professional qualifications, services, publications & media, testimonials and contact info. It is now a multi-page website that features a blog and has an integrated ticketing platform to sell webinar places online.
Webflow community has been unspeakably generous, I thought it's my turn to offer back; I am making this project cloneable and hope it will save you time when undertaking your next web challenge and perhaps help a bit with some how-to head scratching. ;)
Thank you and acknowledgements to @EliShmerler for his "interactive balls" project and by @Finsweet for making social media lottie files piece-of-cake available and customizable.
*Kindly note that the client's logos cannot be used for personal or professional purposes. ;) *