Webflow Profile Redesign

The public Webflow profile where others view our work and a bit about us within Webflow has been neglected it seems for some time now.
I feel our profiles are missing some really helpful features, like project tabs so we can organize and control what our visitors see ourselves. By control I mean have the opportunity to put our best foot forward and not just projects by date.
I thought it would also be neat if we had a new way to present our best work like the "Featured Tab" within this project.
This was just my first take on something I have been thinking about for quite a while. You can change some things here like the profile theme color by selecting "Edit Profile" and then the droplet icon next to it. You can also click the blue "+" icon to open the modal to add projects to a new tab.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I will continue to update this project over time. Thanks for checking it out! :)
(Note: Not yet responsive. Coming soon!)