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The Balance Masters website showcases the balance masters system of tire balancing while the tire is rotating. The system can be purchased on the site for trucks, motorcycles, aircraft, driveshafts, and Harley Davidson Flywheels. Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Balance Masters® actively compensates for any out-of-balance condition and vibration. No steel balls, sands, or oils, or rebalancing are required. The active ingredient is Quick Silver. It is 3 1/3 heavier than steel by volume and is all-natural. It is not affected by extreme temperatures, hot or cold. There are no wear patterns to worry about with Balance Masters® because there are no frictional materials. The liquid moves smoothly to the desired area around the balancer. The balancer actively balances the wheel assembly for a smooth ride. Check out the site and the system.

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