Relume/Client-First starter project with a Designer Guide

This is "fork" of the Relume Library webflow starter that includes a custom page called designer guide that is a shortened walkthrough of the core principles from Finsweet's Client-First system.
The goal of this page is to help you when handing off projects to clients so that they can more easily and quickly understand the basics of Client-First and start editing their site in a non-destructive way. Often my clients get too intimidated by the Client-First documentation to dive into it before they edit the site and that leads to them undoing a lot of work I put in when creating a clean build.
I’m going to start quickly walking through the Designer Guide page in handoffs so as to get clients up to speed with the basics of Client-First more quickly.
Credit to Relume for the Style Guide page and Finsweet for developing the Client-First system
Any suggestions or comments are appreciated :)