戰勝 C 肝日記 - Fight Hepatitis C

戰勝 C 肝保健網站展示了各種講故事的視頻。提供者訪談和治療視頻在潛在患者中排名很高。通過視頻講述他們的故事做得非常出色。在主頁上使用引人入勝的戲劇性視頻作為他們的英雄宣言立即吸引了觀眾並提升了用戶的感覺,宣導 C 肝日記治療如何解決他們的健康問題。
Hepatitis-c Healthcare sites showcase a variety of video storytelling. Facility tours, provider interviews, and treatment videos rank highly among prospective patients, it does a tremendous job telling their story through video. The use of engaging and dramatic video as their hero statement on the homepage immediately captivates the viewer and promotes the feeling in the user on that Hepatitis-c treatment has the solution to their health issues.