Chickenpox Guard - 水痘防衛隊

為爸媽提供引人入勝的關於水痘預防與健康相關內容方面。透過捲動動畫打造出一個易於瀏覽且資訊清楚的網站,Tenten 設計了一系列的可愛的吉祥物組合,向小朋友宣導水痘預防的重要性,使用了可愛的角色設定與配色、打造出一個童趣以衛教宣導為導向的活動網站並與社交媒體帖子的亮點等主題串連在一起。
Tenten does a great job providing their audience with engaging health-related content. With an easy to navigate site, They makes use of well-written articles on subjects ranging from health conditions, to organizational news and articles, to health-oriented events and classes, and highlights of their social media posts.