Hunt for the best ideas with Ideahunt.
Every day, unlock 3 AI-generated product ideas designed to inspire and challenge your thinking. Perfect for idea hunters, Ideahunt offers a continuous stream of innovative concepts. Earn gems and trophies as you explore new ideas, making the process both engaging and rewarding.
Make Ideahunt your browser front page and turn your passion for discovery into a daily adventure with a gamified twist that fuels your curiosity.
Daily Idea Unlocks: Receive 3 new AI-generated product ideas every 24 hours.
Gamification Elements: Earn gems, points, and trophies by engaging with the platform.
Upvote System: Upvote your favorite ideas to boost their visibility.
Commenting: Leave comments on ideas to share feedback, suggestions, or start discussions.
Idea History: Access a history of all previously unlocked ideas.