Thai Restaurant - Rolling Thai Taipei 泰國餐廳

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Rolling Thai is a Thai restaurant that will keep you coming back for more self-inflicted pain. It may not be scientifically proven, but spicy food is addictive—and especially at Ugly Baby. Whether you’re ordering the Laab Ped Udon or the Khao Soi, the servers will warn you over and over to be careful. If not, you’ll go against their advice and end up begging for more of the cooling cucumbers to ward off the heat. 前往這家泰國餐廳,品嚐傳統的泰式小販美食和麵條湯,餐廳的空間散發著古老的曼谷風情。餐桌上擺著直接來自泰國的錫水杯和盛放辣椒醬、糖和其他調味品的塑料架,配上一碗碗牛肉船面,上面放著酥脆的豬皮。