WAAW by Alok

A one-page website developed for the Infinite line of professional speakers from WAAW by Alok, using an interface that explores a more interactive and immersive experience with the products.
We worked in partnership with the WAAW Marketing team, which worked on creating the page design, and we were responsible for translating all of these visual concepts into a unique interactive experience, using Webflow as a web development tool, which allowed us to faithfully present all of the product's attributes.
We used the 3D models of the existing Infinite 100 and Infinite 200 speakers and applied them to the pages, where the user, when scrolling the page, follows the technical information of the speakers while the product rotates, showing all of its physical characteristics.
The entire project was built in Webflow, but to translate the visual concept into a killer web experience, it was necessary to use some Javascript libraries such as GSAP, Lenis and Swiper.js.