Project Food DB Template | 💸49 USD

Are you a food enthusiast searching for the ideal template for a restaurant menu or a food delivery service? Perhaps you're looking to create a blog where you can showcase your favorite dishes and share recipes from around the world. Look no further – we have the perfect solution for you!
The “ProjectFood” Template seamlessly combines modern trends with elegance. In the XXIst century, food has become a vital aspect of our lives. We are always on the lookout for extraordinary recipes to explore new emotions and flavors. Doesn't that sound perfect?
ProjectFood – Website Template including🧳:
Pages 📄
- Homepage X 1
- Menu X 1
- Blog X 1
- Dish Page X 1
- Custom 404 Page X 1
- Product Page X 1
- Changelog X 1
- Licences X 1
- Styleguide X 1
Additional Bonus🍭
- Figma file included
- ONE hour of Free assistance with the selected option above
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