Portfolio X is our ultimate portfolio Webflow Template & UI Kit created for top-notch designers looking to launch an amazing website easily. With a total of over 20 pages and 40 sections, it's the perfect portfolio template for your website.
Presenting Portfolio X, our ultimate portfolio Webflow Template designed for professionals looking to have an online top-notch portfolio and personal website.
Portfolio X was created for designers, by designers, and it includes all the pages you will need to launch a world-class portfolio to impress your future clients or employers.
Portfolio X Webflow Template comes with great benefits. One of them is the Figma file that is included with your purchase. Send us an email to portfoliox@brixtemplates.com after your purchase (attaching your order receipt), and we will be more than happy to send you the Figma design source file.
Like what you see? Learn why Portfolio X is a great Webflow Template to launch your portfolio and personal website as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Portfolio X Webflow Template was built in Webflow with easy editability in mind, so you will be surprised of how easily you can customize it to your own needs. However, if you ever find a bug, are having any problem or trouble, or just want to ask any question, please feel free to reach out to us on portfoliox@brixtemplates.com - The BRIX Templates team will be ready to give you a hand.
On the other side, if you ever need advanced help to customize Portfolio X Webflow Template to meet your specific needs or requirements, or just need help to design & build any other cutting-edge Webflow website, feel free to get in touch with us at BRIX Templates. Our team of Webflow Experts will be ready to help you.
Customize the built-in database for your project or just add new content.
Reposition and resize items anywhere within the grid to produce powerful, responsive layouts — faster and without code.
Custom design for the 404 page of your website
Shape your customer's experience and customize everything, from the home page to product page, cart to checkout.
Build your lead lists and subscriber base with beautiful forms.
Comes with animations and interactions for additional polish and usability.
Showcase high-res photos and videos on a black backdrop.
Displays perfectly on desktops, tablets, and phones.
Site navigation automatically collapses into a mobile-friendly menu on smaller devices.
Display images and text elegantly on every device with our touch-friendly slider.
All graphics are optimized for devices with high DPI screens.
Reusable elements you can use across your site. Edit a symbol and all copies update instantly.
Uses fonts from Google's Web Font collection.
Can only be used by you or one client for one end product. You cannot resell or redistribute this template in its original or modified state.
This template is free to use in both person and commercial projects. You cannot resell, redistribute, or license this template in its original or modified state.
Questions about this template? Just reach out to the template designer and they will get back to you within 2 business days.
For advanced design guidance, please share your questions in the Webflow Forum or reach out to a Webflow Expert.
Share your feedback by leaving a comment below.
For template support, please check the Support tab.
Use the Preview in Designer option to make any edits to the template pages and preview how the layout would fit your content. Changes in preview mode won't be saved.
It isn't possible to apply a template to an already existing project. Instead, you'll need to create a new project based on the Template.
With a Free account plan, it is possible to edit two pages of the template-based project. To unlock more pages and features a premium plan is required.
With a Core plan (or higher), you can export sites you build in Webflow, including templates, to host them anywhere you'd like.
Webflow templates are only available for purchase through Workspaces and legacy individual accounts.
CMS templates are designed to use the power of the Webflow CMS. It is possible to downgrade to a Basic Site Plan as long as all CMS content is deleted from the project.
Use the View Connections tool to understand where the CMS content is on the site and delete any dynamic listings and CMS content. We also recommend you to check Components and the Collection page Templates.
Ecommerce templates are designed to use the power of Webflow Ecommerce. It is not possible to remove Ecommerce from a template, however, deleting all Ecommerce Products and Categories from the project, will allow to select a lower Site Plan.
Membership templates are designed to use the power of Webflow Membership. It is not possible to remove Memberships from a template.
All templates were built by designers using Webflow without writing code. That means you can customize them using our visual interface too.
Try Webflow for as long as you like with our free Starter plan. Purchase a paid Site plan to publish, host, and unlock additional features.