10 best artist website templates and designs

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What are artist website templates?

Artist website templates are pre-designed layouts and designs specifically created for artists to showcase their work online. These templates offer a visually appealing platform for artists of all types - painters, photographers, illustrators, sculptors, etc., to display their portfolio in an organized and professional manner.

These templates often come with customizable features that allow artists to personalize the design elements such as colors, fonts, image sizes/layouts according to their own artistic style or branding requirements. They typically include sections like a homepage with featured artwork or projects highlights; a gallery section displaying the artist's works categorized by type or series; an about page providing background information on the artist and their artistic journey; contact details for inquiries or commissions; an events page listing upcoming exhibitions/shows/art fairs if applicable.

Using artist website templates can save time and effort as they eliminate the need for extensive coding knowledge. They provide a user-friendly interface where images can be easily uploaded and text content added without much technical expertise.

Overall these templates serve as powerful tools enabling artists to create stunning online portfolios that effectively capture attention while highlighting their skills and creativity.

Artworks is a sophisticated Webflow template by Kreshnik Beqi, ideal for creative freelancers, artists, and designers. It allows professional website creation without coding. Key features include customizable headers, CMS blog page designs, full responsiveness, an easy-to-customize contact form, and compatibility with major browsers. The template offers infinite customization through pre-designed content blocks and components using Webflow's visual interface. Beautiful animations enhance the user experience. Webflow’s CMS simplifies blog management. The template's images are available for personal/commercial use with some exceptions. Support is accessible via email or Support Tab, making Artworks an efficient and cost-effective startup solution.


Art 128, a professional Art Webflow template by 128 Digital, offers a comprehensive solution for launching art and gallery websites. With three unique homepage layouts and over twenty-five inner pages, it ensures swift website creation and remarkable user engagement. Key features include innovative design, user-friendly interface, full responsiveness, and Retina readiness. Built with Webflow, customization is effortless without coding. SEO optimization and Webflow CMS integration streamline management and enhance SEO performance. Seamless animations and global typography maintain consistency across devices. Art 128 is ideal for artists, galleries, and digital museums, offering a versatile tool with thirty available pages out-of-the-box.

Art 128

All My Links is a professional HTML website template by Flowyak, featuring 12 meticulously designed pages with modern layouts, colors, and fonts. Fully responsive, it ensures optimal display on any device. The Webflow Editor simplifies content management with direct editing and easy style changes via the Style Guide and global swatches. With over 1,000 integrations and robust security measures, including enterprise-grade protection, it ensures smooth operation and protection against spam and hackers. The template also boasts impressive speed optimization, scoring 99% on Google PageSpeed Insights.

All My Links

Artiz, a Webflow template by Kreshnik Beqi, caters specifically to talent and artist management agencies but adapts easily for events, music, or art project websites. Its full-width landing page jumpstarts your site, responsive across all devices with Retina Ready Ultra High Resolution Graphics. Typography focuses on usability, enhancing user experience without coding—build a complete website in three hours or less. Includes Home, About Us, Artist's Page, Blog/News, Contact, with CMS templates for blogs and artist profiles. Customize effortlessly with utility pages, style guide, and base element styling options included, ensuring hassle-free customization.


Museum X is a premier Webflow template tailored for art galleries, museums, and libraries seeking a modern online presence. It simplifies exhibit and collection displays, offering an immersive visitor experience. Featuring a content management system, CSS grid layout, and custom 404 page, Museum X excels. It supports ecommerce, interactive forms, and media lightbox integration for seamless browsing. With retina-ready visuals and diverse web fonts, Museum X ensures a memorable digital presence for establishments aiming to stand out.

Museum X

Galart 128, designed by 128 Digital, is a professional Webflow template for artists. It provides an all-in-one solution with three unique homepage layouts and over fifteen customizable inner pages, no coding required. Key features include seamless animations, smooth page interactions, and SEO optimization for better search visibility. The responsive design ensures fast loading speeds across devices. With dedicated customer support, Galart 128 makes launching your artist website easy and visually impressive.

Galart 128

Art Gallery 128, a refined Webflow template, is tailored for antiquities museums, art galleries, and artists. Ideal for showcasing art forms like paintings and sculptures, it features a responsive design, custom 404 page, and media lightbox for interactive viewing. The template includes a content management system, CSS grid for structured layouts, and retina-ready web fonts, ensuring a professional appearance on high-resolution screens. Enhance functionality and user experience effortlessly with Art Gallery 128, designed to captivate audiences with visually appealing displays of artistic creations.

Art Gallery 128

Artfolio is a standout Webflow template tailored for artists and galleries to showcase their artwork. It features a built-in content management system for easy updates, ensuring that your latest creations are always highlighted. With a responsive design, Artfolio delivers an impressive visual experience across all devices. Additional features include a custom 404 page, forms, media lightbox integration, retina-ready graphics, and a responsive navigation system. The use of web fonts enhances its professional appearance, making your site unique and engaging.


Tattoo X is a premium Webflow template crafted for piercing and tattoo studios, designed to elevate your online presence with a modern and sophisticated look. It highlights your unique artistry and attracts new clients through an easy-to-navigate platform showcasing your services and portfolio. Key features include a content management system, CSS grid layout, custom 404 page, ecommerce integration, responsive design, and retina-ready graphics. Tattoo X ensures a seamless and visually engaging experience, ideal for studios looking to expand their reach and grow their online business.

Tattooist X

Artgram is a refined art gallery and museum Webflow template designed to enhance your digital presence. With carefully crafted layouts, it offers an artistic way to showcase and sell art online, ideal for artists, galleries, and museums. Standout features include background video integration, a robust content management system, and a CSS grid layout for a smooth browsing experience. It also includes a custom 404 page, ecommerce capabilities, and an interactive media lightbox, all in a responsive, retina-ready design. Artgram is your complete solution for creating a compelling online art showcase.


Who should use artist website template?

Artist website templates should be used by any individual or organization within the artistic industry wishing to establish a strong and compelling online presence. This includes visual artists, photographers, graphic designers, freelancers, gallerists, artist collectives or simply anyone who wants to showcase their creativity on an online platform.

Using a template does not require extensive technical skills yet can result in a professional-grade website with complete functionality. Website templates are also highly beneficial for those wishing to save time and money whilst still creating an effective marketing tool that converts viewers into collectors or clients.

With these pre-designed layouts; artists get unique opportunities such as sharing their portfolio effectively; promoting exhibitions/events; selling art directly via e-commerce integration—all culminating in persuading visitors through engaging visuals & intriguing narratives about each piece of work they created.  So whether you're just starting out your artistic journey or at peak maturity looking forward to boosting exposure—artist website templates form excellent stepping stones towards reaching these goals successfully!

How do you choose the best artist website template?

Crafting an artist website requires a template that not only showcases your creations but also creates an immersive and user-friendly experience. Here are key components defining a great artist website template:

Clear & Professional Design: Prioritize simplicity and professionalism with a clean layout that highlights your artwork without unnecessary design elements.

High-Quality Image Gallery: An easy-to-navigate, high-resolution image gallery is essential to effectively showcase your art and create a visually compelling experience.

Optimized for Mobile Devices: Ensure the template automatically adapts to different screen sizes, providing optimal user experiences across all devices, including tablets and mobile phones.

Biography & About Page: Introduce yourself with an 'About' page featuring biographic information, credentials, and unique selling propositions, helping potential clients or fans connect with the artist behind the work.

Department Stores Section: Artists often sell their works. Include merchant features like shopping cart functionality to facilitate efficient transactions.

Call To Action (CTA): Effective CTAs guide users towards specific actions, such as making purchases or contacting you directly about commissions.

Integrated Social Media Buttons: Integrate social media buttons strategically to leverage the power of storytelling and engage potential customers effectively.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly:

Ensure the design is SEO-friendly to enhance discoverability through search engines in the digital age.

Easy Navigation Systems: Implement easy navigation systems to allow visitors to enjoy perusing close-ups of your works without frustration.

Customer Testimonial Section: Display feedback from past buyers to improve prospective clients' trustworthiness and confidence in your art.

Contact Form/Information: Provide essential details alongside contact forms to make reaching out hassle-free for potential clients or admirers.

Remember, while these components are crucial, the use of attractive language backed up by compelling storytelling establishes a connection that can significantly enhance your online presence and cater to better results over time.