10 best dashboard website templates and designs

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What are dashboard website templates?

Dashboard website templates are pre-designed layouts that provide a user interface for managing and presenting data, analytics, and other information. These templates often include various elements such as charts, graphs, tables, and other visual representations that make it easy to understand and interpret complex data. They are typically used for admin panels, content management systems, and other backend interfaces. The templates can be customized to suit the specific needs of a business or project.

Dark Dasher, designed by Yves Adrales, is a premier Webflow template ideal for data analysis and visualization platforms with integrated E-commerce capabilities. This sophisticated dashboard showcases analytics expertise across various product metrics, managed through a user-friendly CMS with robust customization options. It supports seamless digital product and subscription sales. The sleek, modern design enhances the organizational image with over 20 professionally designed pages like Dashboard Home and Products Overview. Dark Dasher ensures responsiveness, SEO optimization, and advanced interactions for dynamic engagement. Built with industry best practices for reliability and speed, it establishes a strong online presence effortlessly in analytics.

Dark Dasher

Client, a standout Webflow template from Kickstart Studio, transforms project management and client communication. Easily control projects and keep clients updated on progress, asset sharing, and document integration. Each project integrates seamlessly as a CMS item in the Projects collection. Unique features like secret link sharing and password-protected access ensure top-tier security. With five tabs including Overview, Progress, Imagery, Documents, and Integrations, it offers comprehensive organization. Centralizing essential information streamlines project management, leaving lasting impressions on clients. Elevate your project management game with Client's exceptional features and user-friendly interface.


Zaidash by Flowzai is a premium Webflow template ideal for business dashboards. Its clean, modern design and smooth animations provide an engaging experience across all devices. The template includes "Dashboard Pages," "User Pages," and "Utility Pages," all fully customizable to match your brand. Zaidash’s responsive design ensures high-quality access on both desktops and mobile devices. Post-purchase, you can request a Figma file via email at flowzaiofficial@gmail.com. The included style guide page simplifies branding adjustments, and support is available within 24-48 hours via the official email.


Dash, from Kickstart Studio, is a dynamic UI Kit tailored for Webflow dashboards. Seamlessly integrate it into Webflow or export for other CMS platforms. With its adaptable design, leverage Webflow's Global Color Swatch for brand consistency. It offers 30+ pre-built pages, including Default, Project, and E-commerce Dashboards, catering to diverse project needs. Specific pages for Project Management, User & Team Profiles, and CRM functionalities enhance its versatility. Utility sections like Knowledge Base, Pricing, and Authentication streamline development. Dash equips you with everything from invoices to user management, accelerating web app development.


Techkit X is a cutting-edge Webflow template tailored for tech and software startups. It features over 30 pages and includes essential components for building a standout website. Key features include a CMS, CSS grid, custom 404 page, and responsive design with retina-ready visuals. Techkit X offers extensive customization options and a range of web fonts, ensuring your site is both visually appealing and highly functional. Ideal for showcasing products and services, Techkit X helps you establish a strong online presence and make a lasting impression.

Techkit X

Spaatz by Victorflow is a contemporary Webflow template designed for showcasing digital business services with style. It offers stylish homepage variations, innovative blog layouts, and full responsiveness across devices. Built with Webflow's latest features, it includes global swatches for easy color changes and free image licensing for personal and commercial use. Key pages are Home, Blog CMS, Request a Demo, and Style Guide.


Dawn, designed by Nikolai Bain, is a sleek Webflow template perfect for digital products, SaaS software, or dashboards. It offers 20+ pages with varied layouts that adapt to any screen size and browser. Key pages include the main Dashboard, Tasks, Emails, Calendar, Support, and Search. Dawn integrates with tools like Airtable, Zapier, and Memberstack for enhanced functionality within Webflow. The code-free design allows easy customization without extensive coding knowledge. It also features utility pages (404 & Password) and a Design System Page for flexible styling. Support resources and tutorials ensure a smooth user experience.


Artboard, a classic artist template tailored for Webflow, offers over 30 pre-designed pages, ideal for creating a professional art blog. Its key features include a responsive design for optimal viewing across devices, symbols for seamless customization, and engaging interactions for captivating animations. With included web fonts and a content management system, managing and organizing your content is effortless. Experience the power and versatility of Artboard for your Webflow art page today.


Bankzai, created by Flowzai, is a responsive Webflow template for dashboards and admin panels. This modern UI kit offers over 24 pages with versatile layouts for digital products, web apps, and software. It's fully customizable with global site classes, fonts, and color swatches. Seamless animations enhance user engagement, and its responsive design ensures optimal viewing on all devices. The template includes a CMS for easy editing and offers a Figma file upon request. A style guide simplifies branding adaptation. Support is available via email at flowzaiofficial@gmail.com with a 24-48 hour response time.


Dashly X, a robust Webflow template by Brix Templates, is ideal for software companies. With 45+ pages, it's perfect for building sleek web apps. Key features include a Figma file for customization, modern design, speed optimization, and seamless animations. It's responsive across devices and supports CMS & E-commerce functionalities. For support, contact dashlyx@brixtemplates.com.

Dashly X

Who should use dashboard website template?

Dashboard website templates serve a wide range of users. They're essential for business owners, helping them monitor KPIs and assess performance. Web developers save time by using these templates instead of starting from scratch. Project managers efficiently track progress, deadlines, and tasks. Digital marketers analyze campaigns, SEO, and website traffic. Data analysts present complex data visually. E-commerce businesses monitor sales and customer behavior. Bloggers, content creators, and educational institutions track engagement and performance metrics. In short, these templates are valuable for anyone needing to monitor and analyze data, providing a clear, accessible way to make informed decisions.

How do you choose the best dashboard website template?

The best dashboard website templates are defined by several key components. First and foremost, they should have a clean and intuitive design that is easy to navigate. This includes a well-organized layout, clear labels, and a consistent color scheme. They should also be responsive, meaning they adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a seamless user experience. Furthermore, the best templates offer a high level of customization, allowing users to tailor the dashboard to their specific needs. This includes the ability to add, remove, or rearrange elements, as well as change the color scheme or typography. Another important component is the inclusion of useful features and functionalities, such as data visualization tools (like charts and graphs), notification systems, and search functions. These not only enhance the user experience, but also aid in data analysis and decision-making. In addition, the best dashboard website templates are well-documented and supported. This means they come with detailed instructions on how to use and customize them, as well as access to support or a community of users for troubleshooting and advice. Lastly, the best templates are built with performance in mind. They are lightweight and optimized for speed, ensuring they load quickly and run smoothly, even when handling large amounts of data. They should also be built with the latest web technologies and standards, ensuring they are compatible with all modern browsers. In conclusion, the best dashboard website templates are user-friendly, customizable, feature-rich, well-supported, and high-performing. They are designed not just to look good, but to effectively support data-driven decision making.