10 best feedback website templates and designs

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What are feedback website templates?

Feedback website templates are pre-designed layouts that are specifically created to collect feedback from users. These templates often include rating scales, comment boxes, and other features that allow users to effectively provide their opinions or suggestions. They are often used on websites for products, services, or even personal blogs to get insights from users or customers. These templates can be customized to fit the brand identity and specific needs of the business or individual.

Eligio, crafted by Domidex Design, is a bold Webflow template for photographers. It harnesses Webflow's power for quick, elegant website creation. Prioritizing flexibility and performance, Eligio suits freelancers, designers, and businesses alike. Its clean, responsive layout ensures seamless viewing across devices, while advanced interactions enable stunning service showcases with ease. Eligio's meticulously designed, story-driven UI ensures an elegant appearance down to pixel-perfection, impressing any audience. Key pages like Homepage, About, Services, Portfolio, Pricing, and Contact offer complete control. Support includes Webflow CMS guides, Interactions, and Symbols tutorials, ensuring a smooth journey to creating your unique digital portfolio.


Introducing Meelo by Elemis, a contemporary Webflow portfolio template designed for modern professionals to showcase their personal brand and achievements. Its unique brutalist design captivates visitors with an unparalleled visual experience. Powered by a CMS, Meelo offers effortless content management, perfect for displaying artwork or photography in a sophisticated gallery layout. The integrated timeline feature provides a clear view of your career milestones, enhancing your professional profile. Client testimonials are prominently displayed to build trust and credibility. With a built-in contact form, communication is seamless. Ideal for freelancers and creatives, Meelo is a versatile platform to elevate your online presence.


MofiX, designed by Mg, is a Webflow template that combines stunning visuals with a seamless user experience. It features intuitive design for showcasing business value, enhanced security with multi-layered encryption and biometric authentication, and operational efficiency with automation and integration capabilities. The template includes an 'Applications' section for real-world use cases, a transparent pricing structure, dynamic testimonials for credibility, and an organized FAQ layout for easy decision-making. MofiX is crafted to ensure satisfaction for both end-users and businesses, offering a comprehensive and trustworthy digital experience.


Munchen by Azwedo is a premium Webflow template designed for agencies, blending aesthetics with usability. It features built-in CMS and eCommerce capabilities, ensuring a seamless experience for managing content, products, and orders. The template’s responsive design adapts to all screen sizes, while its modern elements, slick animations, and dynamic transitions enhance visual appeal. Customizable CMS collections make it easy to manage portfolios, teams, and client feedback. With an intuitive visual editor, Munchen allows for easy customization without coding.


Notary is a cutting-edge Webflow template by Robert, crafted for notaries. Its sleek, minimalist design maximizes impact and user engagement with professional aesthetics. Features include responsive design, seamless navigation, subtle 3D effects, and interactive elements for dynamic visitor engagement. Well-designed forms ease data collection, while reusable symbols ensure consistency. CSS Grid enhances layout flexibility, and CMS allows easy updates without coding. Pages like Home, About, Pricing, and a Blog section improve customer interaction and shareability. Notary blends elegance with functionality, redefining online presence and service delivery in the digital age with professionalism and trustworthiness.


Seofy is a modern, fully responsive Webflow template designed for SEO websites. It combines clean aesthetics with advanced features, including a robust CMS, CSS grid layout, and custom 404 pages for smooth navigation. The template also offers intuitive forms, a media lightbox, and a responsive design with slider and retina-ready elements. With its web-font integration, Seofy ensures a flawless viewing experience across all devices, enhancing both beauty and functionality for an optimal user experience.


Quick, by Udesly, is a Webflow template tailored for SaaS and software apps, requiring no coding. It is highly responsive across devices, including smartphones, desktops, and tablets, and features modern interactions and captivating animations for an engaging user experience. Quick offers complete customization freedom, integrating with Webflow CMS and Ecommerce for easy updates to blogs, pricing, and career pages. It is optimized for speed, ensuring fast loading times.


Typewriter is a dynamic Webflow template by Conversionflow, designed for bloggers looking to boost audience engagement. With its sleek, responsive design, it ensures a professional and navigable experience across all devices without coding. Features include editable content via the Webflow Editor, customizable color palettes and typography, and utility pages such as a 404 page. Social media buttons and embedded forms for email collection support community building and list growth. The template offers comment sections, featured blogs, and sorting options by categories or tags. It includes multiple homepages, "about us" sections, and article templates, providing a comprehensive solution for engaging and reader-friendly blogs.


Swipe is a versatile Webflow template by Craftengine, designed to advance your business with a clean, simple design. Ideal for product overviews or feature presentations, this one-page landing layout features unique sections for 'About,' 'Features,' 'Pricing,' 'Team,' FAQs, feedback, blog posts, and Contacts & Social Media links. Each section is distinct, ensuring an exceptional user experience. Responsive and mobile-friendly, Swipe uses Global swatches and Symbols for easy customization.


Podcaster, designed by ConversionFlow, is a dynamic Webflow template tailored for podcasters. It ensures a professional, user-friendly experience on all devices with features like subscription buttons, email collection forms, and feedback options. The template supports episode sorting, cover art, and additional content like transcripts and show notes. It also offers monetization options through donation support, making it easy to grow and engage your podcast audience effectively.


Who should use feedback website template?

Feedback website templates can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals and businesses. They are particularly useful for companies that want to engage with their customers and gather their opinions about their products or services. This can include retail businesses, restaurants, hotels, and other service providers. In addition, feedback website templates can also be used by educational institutions to collect student feedback about courses or teachers. Healthcare providers can use them to understand patient satisfaction and areas of improvement.  Non-profit organizations can leverage these templates to gather feedback about their programs and initiatives. Even individuals who are conducting research or surveys can use feedback website templates to collect and organize data efficiently. In essence, anyone who needs to collect, analyze, and respond to feedback in a structured and efficient manner can benefit from using feedback website templates. They provide a streamlined and professional way to engage with audiences and gather valuable insights.

How do you choose the best feedback website template?

The best feedback website templates are characterized by several key components. First and foremost, they must be user-friendly, boasting a clear and intuitive layout that empowers users to navigate easily and provide their feedback. This entails the inclusion of clearly labeled fields, simple instructions, and a straightforward submission process. Secondly, the templates should exhibit visual appeal and professionalism, as this can encourage user engagement and the sharing of feedback. Moreover, they should be responsive, adapting seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience. Thirdly, the templates should offer a variety of feedback mechanisms, encompassing rating scales, checkboxes, and open-text fields, to capture a wide spectrum of responses. They should also provide options for anonymity, fostering more honest and candid feedback. Furthermore, the templates should prioritize customizability to align with the specific requirements and branding of the organization. This includes the ability to incorporate company logos, modify color schemes, and adapt questions or prompts. Lastly, the templates should include features for the analysis and reporting of the feedback received. This could take the form of graphs, charts, or other visual representations of the data, along with options for exporting the data for further analysis. Overall, the best feedback website templates strike a harmonious balance between functionality and aesthetics while providing the necessary tools for collecting, analyzing, and acting upon user feedback. They are designed with the end-user experience in mind, ensuring that the feedback process is as straightforward and engaging as possible.