[Cloneable] Responsive Popup Youtube Video Stop When Closed

Example of a popup modal that includes a responsive iframe Youtube video. The video is initially set to autoplay and volume is set to mute (better UX). When the modal is closed, the video will stop playing, so the sound doesn't continue to play in the background. Refresh the page to show the popup modal again.
If you'd like to have the sound play when modal is opened, remove "&mute=1" from the Youtube embed src path.
This cloneable project was created based on the work posted by @Tony_Jones (https://discourse.webflow.com/t/stop-playing-youtube-video-when-modal-is-closed/70752) and cloneable popup modal project provided by @herzo (https://webflow.com/website/Pop-up-on-Page-Load).
Hope this cloneable project will help with your project as well.