Flowcouragement Chrome Extension | 12 Days of Evil Goodies

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On the third day of the 12 Days of Evil Goodies, the Evil Twins gave me... an encouraging Chrome extension. For when you need a little flowcouragement boost while building, designing or thinking about Webflow projects. The first-ever Chrome extension by the Evil Twins provides an avenue for Webflow experts and novices alike to gain a little flowcouragement boost, when working on a project or two—or while taking a break from one. The Flowcouragement extension is designed to help all builders overcome obstacles, tackle self-doubt, remain positive and motivated, and more. Designed in Figma and built in Webflow, and listed on the Chrome Web Store. — Evil Twins is a full-stack, digital experience studio crafting modern solutions for online mediums—and the occasional traditional medium. An award-winning studio, Evil Twins was founded by a seasoned multidisciplinary designer, Rahul Islam of London, United Kingdom, and Ben Sabic, a Chartered Marketer candidate from Winnipeg, Canada.