The Children of the Rainbow, or Fundacion Ninos del Arco Iris, a school for underprivileged kids, is quite possibly the most kaleidoscopic of all. It’s here that vulnerable children are given hope for a better future through schooling, wholesome nutrition tailored to individual needs (many young ones are anemic), medical care and support.
Created by Dutch founder, Helena van Engelen, the school, located in the Sacred Valley village of Urubamba, not only educates nearly 200 children in a safe and devoted environment, but also, families are brought into the fold. Students and their caregivers learn about the importance of proper hygiene (using toilets, washing hands, brushing teeth) and eating balanced health-giving meals. Many of the children come to the school with cavities and require dental care. Some parents are in need of eye glasses. The foundation goes above and beyond to help the indigent children and their caregivers.