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A family-run business established in the 1990s specialising in the preservation and sale of authentic Islamic art, arms & armour. We hold dear the values of discipline and honour, drawing inspiration from the rich history of Islamic warriors. Recognising the importance of preserving this heritage, we embarked on a mission to revive forgotten narratives. We noticed that significant pieces of Islamic history, brimming with tales of bravery and chivalry, were often inaccessible, tucked away in museum archives becoming victims of decay or priced out of reach for many available only at exorbitant prices in exclusive dealerships. ‍ Fuelled by a passion for democratising access to these cultural treasures, our goal is not based on profit. It's about honouring our ancestors and sharing the spirit of Islamic chivalry with all. We believe these authentic arms and armour hold immense historical value and deserve homes where their legacy can be cherished for generations to come.

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