About the challenge
Quarterfinals: Window to another world
In this round, all 8 challengers will have 5 minutes to build something that represents their unique interpretation of the theme “a window to another world.” Claudia Cafeo will be joining us as our special guest commentator!
Semifinals: Launch an object into space
In this round, 4 challengers will have 8 minutes to build something that launches an object to space.
Finals: When an object and another world collide
The final 2 challengers will have 12 minutes to build something that connects the world they created in the quarterfinals to the object they launched to space in the semifinals. Special guest commentator Vlad Magdalin will be joining us for the final round of the speed build challenge!
1st place

2nd place

3rd place

All challengers
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12-month subscription to a professional Webflow account
Logitech BRIO webcam, lavalier microphone, and ring light