Hey, Na Na Design

Hey, Na Na Design

Graphic Designer at Freelance
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Joined Apr 17, 2024
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I'm Alana, but my nearest and dearest call me Na Na, a nickname affectionately given to me by one of my adorable nieces. I'm a Graphic Designer & Illustrator born and bred in the vibrant city of Naarm/Melbourne, with experiences spanning across UX / UI, Print, Branding, and Illustrative design.


I'm Alana, but my nearest and dearest call me Na Na, a nickname affectionately given to me by one of my adorable nieces. I'm a Graphic Designer & Illustrator born and bred in the vibrant city of Naarm/Melbourne, with experiences spanning across UX / UI, Print, Branding, and Illustrative design.


I'm Alana, but my nearest and dearest call me Na Na, a nickname affectionately given to me by one of my adorable nieces. I'm a Graphic Designer & Illustrator born and bred in the vibrant city of Naarm/Melbourne, with experiences spanning across UX / UI, Print, Branding, and Illustrative design.