5 best new website templates and designs

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What are new website templates?

New website templates are pre-designed layouts or themes that can be used to create a professional-looking website quickly and easily. These templates include various elements such as color schemes, typography, page layouts, and graphic design elements that can be customized according to the needs of the user.

The term "new" in new website templates refers to the fact that they have been recently created or released. These templates often incorporate modern design trends and technologies, making them fashionable and up-to-date with current web standards.

Using a new website template offers several advantages for individuals or businesses looking to establish an online presence. It eliminates the need for coding knowledge or hiring expensive web designers since most templates come with drag-and-drop editing interfaces that make customization easy for anyone. They also provide a cost-effective solution compared to developing custom websites from scratch.

Whether you're creating a personal blog, an e-commerce store, or a corporate site, there is likely a new website template available which fits your specific niche requirements.

New NFT Cards DB, a sleek Webflow template by Digital Butlers, caters to artists and collectors venturing into the NFT art world. Its vibrant layouts promise seamless navigation and include multiple options for home, contact, and blog pages. With diverse catalog displays and customizable product cards, showcasing digital assets becomes effortless. This comprehensive package also features error pages, style guides, and regular updates, all accessible via a downloadable Figma file. Plus, lifetime human support ensures a smooth journey into the realm of crypto-art. Start building your professional NFT showcase today, and unleash your inner hero like Batman!

New NFT Cards DB

Solitude, designed by Kevin Dakin, is a sleek Webflow template perfect for food and travel bloggers or influencers. Its minimalist design features an intuitive CMS blog layout, ensuring easy updates and a professional aesthetic. With a simple 12-column system, the template adapts seamlessly across devices and supports flexible content creation. It includes pages like Homepage, Blog Category, Vlog Template, and admin pages such as Style Guide and Instructions for consistency. Customizable fonts, colors, and logos allow for tailored branding. The template also offers unique CMS-powered layouts, drag-and-drop components, free commercial use images, and courses on Interactions & Animations for effortless setup.


Alice Muse, a Webflow template by Zerocodegirl, caters to female designers and creatives, offering drag-and-drop ease. Create pages swiftly with responsive elements. Customize fonts, colors, and more to match your brand. Mobile-friendly, it ensures seamless browsing. Includes blog and E-commerce features, with Webflow CMS for easy edits. Reusable elements like Hero sections streamline design. With 17+ layouts from Home to Product Pages, optimize sales with customizable forms. Support from Olga@zerocodegirl.com ensures a smooth experience, enhancing typographic consistency across systems with custom CSS.

Alice Muse

Soon X is a versatile Webflow template from Brix Templates, ideal for launching projects and generating leads. It offers six unique 'coming soon' pages and includes Figma files with every purchase—just email soonx@brixtemplates.com for these design files. Features include premium designs, speed optimization, seamless animations, 100% customizability, and full responsiveness for mobile users. Soon X comes with various page types like Coming Soon v1-v6, style guides, password protection, and a 404 page. For support, contact us at the same email. For professional web design and development, BRIX Templates Agency is ready to assist.

Soon X

Veggify by Kevin Dakin is a modern Webflow template perfect for food bloggers and influencers. Its organic design showcases culinary creations with dark neutrals, off-white, and gold colors. The template offers customizable, color-coded categories for organizing content. With a user-friendly CMS, managing recipes, categories, and posts is effortless. The 12-column layout ensures responsiveness across devices. Veggify includes essential pages like Homepage, All Recipes, Category, Recipe, and About, suitable for chefs and related businesses. Customizable style guides allow for branded experiences, while features like CMS-powered recipe management and a newsletter sign-up form enhance functionality.


Who should use new website template?

New website templates are perfect for businesses, organizations, entrepreneurs, non-profits, and individuals who want a fresh and professional online presence. Whether you're looking to establish your brand's digital footprint or update an outdated site, these templates offer a user-friendly solution that doesn't break the bank.

Perhaps you're a small business owner in need of an e-commerce platform. Maybe you’re starting up as a freelancer with certificates or portfolio pieces to showcase – creating blogs provides essential visibility. Non-profit organizations can use these platforms for fundraising events and social outreach campaigns too.

In essence, anyone desiring clean design work without having to code from scratch should consider utilizing new website templates! They help make creating attention-grabbing headlines easy, lead potential clients into captivating content effortlessly, not to mention the persuasive calls-to-action buttons placed just at the right spots, making sure every viewer is tempted into strategic engagement!

How do you choose the best new website template?

The best new website templates are those that combine aesthetically pleasing design with user-friendly functionality. Here are some key components that define the best website templates:

Responsive Design: In today's mobile-centric world, a template must be fully responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures optimal user experience across all platforms.

Intuitive Navigation: The navigation should be intuitive, allowing visitors to easily find what they're looking for without getting lost or confused. Clear menu structures and logical organization of content make it easier for users to navigate through the site.

Engaging Visuals: Eye-catching visuals captivate visitors' attention and create a memorable first impression. High-quality images, videos, animations, or illustrations can enhance the overall look-and-feel of your website template.

Readability/Skimmability: Content readability is crucial as people tend to skim rather than read entire web pages. Bulleted lists, succinct paragraphs using subheadings, making use of white spaces, text formatting like bolding/italicizing, key points, etc., can help in this regard. Color contrast between text/background is considered while designing a page, careful font selection/writing catchy headlines could grasp readers even while skimming.

Personalization & Branding: Templates allowing you customization options (color schemes, typography, various layouts, etc.) offer a personal touch thus align effectively with brand identity. Highlight USPs credibly/personally enhanced within a few seconds. Personalized imagery/videos featuring customers, reviews/testimonials can build credibility among the customer base.

Call-to-Action Elements: Prompt clear calls-to-action prominently placed encourage conversion, purchasing/subscribing/site exploration. Try including incentivizing messages, free giveaways, free trials - major ROI boosters. Urgency phrases, bold CTAs increase click rates. Use powerful action verbs/motivational phraseologies.

Load Speed: Efficient loading times significantly impact user experience. Template optimization ensuring quick navigation across all pages can foster user engagement.

SEO Friendly: Templates with SEO optimization features like meta tags, clean URLs formatting provide an added advantage in search engine rankings, driving more visitors.

Compatibility & Integration: The best templates are compatible with popular CMS platforms (like WordPress), as well as integration-friendly for third-party tools and plugins that enhance functionality.

Customer Support/Documentation: Templates designed by experienced professionals come along with customer support/documentation offering assistance to users experiencing issues/in need of guidance. Thus crystallizing buyer confidence.