10 best personal trainer website templates and designs

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What are personal trainer website templates?

Personal trainer website templates are pre-designed website layouts specifically tailored for personal trainers, fitness professionals, gyms, and health clubs. These templates often include features like online booking systems, fitness class schedules, personal trainer profiles, fitness blog sections, and contact forms. They are designed to be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and to effectively showcase the services offered by the personal trainer. They can be customized to fit the individual needs and branding of the trainer or fitness business.

Coach 128 is the ultimate solution for life and business coaches seeking to establish an impactful digital presence. This professional Webflow template, designed by industry-leading agency 128 Digital, offers a comprehensive toolkit for launching your coaching website with confidence. With its unique design focused on intuitive user experience across three different homepage layouts, Coach 128 caters to diverse needs within the life and business coaching sector. The standout features of this robust template include more than twenty-six inner pages that provide numerous options in creating a super-fast Life & Business Coaching site loaded with fantastic user experiences. Beyond just catering to professionals in the Life & Business Coaching field alone, its versatility extends further into various niches, making it adaptable for any profession or service offering. Each page has been crafted using common HTML rules along with the powerful web-design platform WebFlow, which allows you complete customization without needing coding knowledge at all! The Global Typography (Heading, Paragraphs, etc.) structure ensures consistency throughout while also allowing easy adjustments as per specific requirements. An integral part of our modern-day online world revolves around SEO performance and loading speed optimization – both being pivotal aspects factored during the development phase, ensuring high scores on LightHouse tests alongside Google Test Speed evaluations too! Moreover, the CMS implementation means Events, Blogs, Success Stories can be easily managed through pre-built collections, including Single Pages Category Blogs. E-commerce functionality adds another layer of convenience where users will find Shop Page, a Product Checkout Pop-up Cart well-designed and ready to use out of the box. Furthermore, you get access to three distinct Headers and Footers coupled with seamless animations and smooth page interactions to heighten the overall browsing journey for visitors. Coach comes backed by a strong support team from the 'no code' agency who are committed to helping customers make the most of their templates, whether standard or custom functionalities are needed. In a nutshell, this package includes everything needed to launch an impressive yet functional website in today’s competitive market landscape.

Coach 128

StayFit is a sleek, dark, and clean one-page app template designed by Factor Theme. It's the ideal solution for businesses seeking to swiftly launch their fitness or wellness application without compromising on quality. The StayFit template includes all the necessary elements needed to build an impressive website that stands out from competitors in the health industry, such as gyms, personal trainers, and other wellness products.The elegant layout of this Webflow theme has been expertly crafted with your needs in mind, and it’s fully responsive, making it perfect for any device. What sets StayFit apart are its polished animations throughout, which make navigation feel alive and enjoyable to use. You can learn more about these interactions through their Interactions Video Course.In addition, easily customizable utility pages like 404 errors and password pages have also been included, along with a Style Guide page where base elements like buttons or paragraphs can be modified according to your brand aesthetics. This makes customization effortless, allowing changes, including colors, repositioning, and resizing items within grid layouts, faster than ever before, even if coding isn't part of your skill set.With 100% customizability offered by their templates, they ensure powerful yet user-friendly interfaces tailored specifically towards enhancing online presence effectively and efficiently, while saving time and resources during the development process.


Life Coach is a modern and professional Webflow template designed by Wcopilot, specifically tailored for life coaches, trainers, consultants, or anyone in the coaching industry. This clean design features all the necessary pages to create an impressive website that would leave potential users with a great first impression. It offers easy customization without any coding knowledge required and includes various key components like responsive layout, contact form sliders, among others.The Life Coach template stands out due to its creative yet user-friendly interface, which can be easily navigated even by those who desire perfection in their websites but lack technical expertise. The fully-responsive design ensures your site looks amazing on tablets as well as mobile phones, while also being retina-ready, offering high-end quality visuals across different devices.One of this template's major strengths lies within SEO optimization, ensuring fast loading times along with smooth page interactions providing seamless animations enhancing the overall user experience. Additionally, it incorporates free Google fonts, icons, images, making sure you have everything needed at hand during the customization process, plus constant support from experienced professionals if need arises.With 37 unique web pages, including sections such as About Us, Pricing, Programs, Blog Grid, Portfolio, Success Stories, Testimonials, Coaching Program & Plans, FAQ, Shop, etc., Life Coach guarantees comprehensive coverage, catering to diverse business needs, whether a simple portfolio or a complex e-commerce solution. Thus, it proves to be an ideal choice for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to establish a strong online presence through an engaging and interactive platform.

Life Coach

Martial Arts is a clean, modern Webflow template designed by Wcopilot specifically for martial arts schools, boxing trainers, and other sports professionals. This user-friendly website solution comes with 29 pages, including the Homepage (with three banner layouts), About Us, Contact Us, Pricing Page, and more. The design is fully responsive, ensuring your site looks stunning on any device size.This versatile Martial Arts web template offers seamless animations along with smooth page interactions to give visitors an engaging browsing experience. It also includes free Google Fonts usage plus complimentary icons and images that you can use to customize the look of your site without needing coding knowledge.The Martial Art's SEO-optimized structure ensures swift load times, while providing potential high scores on LightHouse & Google Test Speed benchmarks, which are crucially important for online visibility today.Wcopilot provides constant support from their professional team experienced in no-code platforms who can assist even beyond basic needs or provide advice about using platform features effectively. They aim to ensure users have the best possible experience when utilizing this comprehensive martial arts-focused Webflow template, whether they're looking at it as a simple portfolio option or considering its e-commerce capabilities too.

Martial Arts

The MMA Academy is a robust and versatile ecommerce website template designed for martial arts schools, academies, professionals, personal trainers, and combat sports clubs. It provides a formidable platform for promoting your services, expanding your reach, and accelerating your business growth.

Mma Academy

Yoga 128 is a professional Yoga and Fitness Webflow template created by 128 Digital. It is tailored to provide a complete solution for launching yoga websites, making it the perfect choice for those looking for an exceptional yoga and fitness template. Yoga 128 is designed with three different homepages in various layouts and includes over 29 inner pages. This offers a super fast and fantastic user experience, not limited to just yoga training and fitness, but also catering to many different niches and professions. The Yoga 128 template is user-friendly and powerfully designed with a creative and professional look. It is fully responsive and retina-ready, ensuring that every feature and page element will look amazing on tablets and mobile phones. The template is also fully customizable without any coding knowledge, built with common HTML and Webflow rules. This allows for easy editing and copying of each section and symbol, and even the creation of new pages. In addition to its impressive design, Yoga 128 is SEO and speed optimized, ensuring a lightning-fast website load. It features classes, workshops, and blog collections, including single and category pages for each. The template also offers three different headers and two different footers, with seamless animations and smooth page interactions. The template includes a variety of pages such as Homepage, About Us, Pricing, Our Team, Contact Us, Classes, FAQ, Blog, Workshops, Our Process, and more. Yoga 128 is easily editable and comes with the support of a professional team ready to assist with any questions or issues. This makes it a great option for those seeking an easy-to-use, customizable, and modern template for their yoga or fitness website.

Yoga 128

NoFitnessYet is a premium template for gyms, personal trainers, fitness studios, and other fitness-related activities. This top-tier solution offers a seamless ecommerce platform for booking classes, scheduling training sessions, and purchasing equipment, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.


Active-X is an advanced Webflow template designed specifically for Fitness Professionals, Health Clubs, Gyms, Personal Trainers, and Nutritionists who want to enhance their online presence. This dynamic template provides a smooth user experience, allowing clients to navigate your content and services effortlessly on any device.The template comprises forms, interactions, symbols, web fonts, retina-ready visuals, and dynamic content, all incorporated within a sturdy content management system. With the added advantage of ecommerce capabilities, Active-X is the ultimate solution for fitness professionals aiming to grow their online business.


Introducing Lana, an impeccable Webflow HTML template designed by Alexandru Butnaru. This is your go-to solution to launch a website for therapists, psychologists, personal trainers, or coaches in no time at all. With its confident and modern design that exudes warmth and approachability, Lana promises not just functionality but also aesthetics. Lana's responsive layout ensures seamless navigation on any device, while the spacious typography further enhances readability. The vibrant color tones add a layer of energy, making it more engaging for users, which ultimately leads to an improved user experience overall. What sets this template apart is its 100% customization feature – built entirely using Webflow without writing code! You can easily tweak elements according to your preference through our visual interface, giving you full control over how you want your site to look, down to even minor details! Should there be something about the template that piques your curiosity or requires assistance, help isn't far away! Reach out via the email address provided or send us a message directly through the Support Tab anytime it's needed!


Who should use personal trainer website template?

Personal trainer website templates are ideal for personal trainers, fitness instructors, gym owners, health coaches, and wellness professionals who want to establish an online presence. They are perfect for those who want to showcase their services, share fitness tips and advice, schedule training sessions, and connect with potential clients. These templates are also beneficial for fitness bloggers or influencers who want to share their fitness journey, workout routines, and healthy lifestyle tips. They offer an easy and cost-effective way to create a professional and attractive website without needing advanced technical skills or a big budget. Furthermore, sports clubs or organizations that offer personal training services can also use these templates to promote their trainers and programs. Even fitness equipment retailers or manufacturers can use these templates to provide workout guides and tips for their customers.

How do you choose the best personal trainer website template?

The best personal trainer website templates are defined by several key components. Firstly, a modern and visually appealing design is essential to attract and retain visitors. This includes high-quality images, engaging videos, and a color scheme that reflects the trainer's brand. The template should also be user-friendly and easy to navigate, ensuring potential clients can easily find the information they need. Another crucial component is the functionality that allows the trainer to showcase their services. This includes a detailed 'About' section where the trainer can introduce themselves, their qualifications, and their approach to fitness. It should also have sections for different types of training programs, pricing, and client testimonials to build trust and credibility. Additionally, the template should have a blog or content section where the trainer can share fitness tips, nutrition advice, and other useful information. This not only helps to establish the trainer as an expert in their field, but also improves the website's SEO performance. A strong call-to-action is another defining component. Whether it's to book a free consultation, sign up for a class, or download a fitness guide, the call-to-action should be prominently displayed and compelling. Lastly, the best personal trainer website templates should be mobile-responsive, as many people now browse the web on their phones. It should also be easily customizable to allow the trainer to personalize the site to their brand and needs. Integration with social media platforms and a contact form for inquiries are also important features. All these components work together to create a website that effectively promotes the trainer's services, engages visitors, and converts them into clients.