3D Pokemon NFT minting website

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Original template: https://webflow.com/website/3D-Pikachu-NFT gm from Buildship 🌞 This free website template for an NFT minting website features a no-code mint button widget and a "Connect Metamask" button from https://buildship.xyz. To use this widget you need an NFT smart contract. You can use your own or create one without code for free at https://app.buildship.xyz. Instructions on setting up the minting widget: https://learn.buildship.xyz/how-to-guides/using-webflow-widget Supported networks: - Ethereum - Polygon - Binance Smart Chain - all other EVM-based networks Supported wallets: - Metamask - Rainbow - Coinbase (via in-app browser) - GnosisSafe - all wallets supporting WalletConnect