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Hello fellow Webflowers, We have built a fresh freebie services overview page. All categories with associated references are dynamically loaded with Webflow collection items. - you can simply add new categories or associated references and remain a good user experience by enabling the progress bar indicator. šŸ¤© The progress bar we created scrolls to the dynamic collection blocks, this is 'normally' not possible, because collections can't have anchor links. We resolved this with a nice hack by assigning an 'ID' to the collection classes šŸ˜„ thru an embed and then converting the progress bar links to anchor links so you can scroll back and forth thru all the collection items. šŸ¤™ If you like this project and find it helpful please like ā¤ļø it so other Webflowers can see this project and use it on their next website šŸ™Œ

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